[6.18]城环博雅生态讲坛 | 主讲人David Tilman教授
主讲人:David Tilman教授,世界著名生态学家,美国明尼苏达大学教授,美国国家科学院和美国艺术与科学院院士。详见海报。
主持人 :王志恒教授,城市与环境学院副院长
The Diversity of Nature and the Nature of Earth’s Diversity
David Tilman, Regents Professor of Ecology, University of Minnesota and Distinguished Professor, University of California Santa Barbara
The most amazing feature of Earth is the existence of life and its incredible diversity. Experiments, theory, and the fossil record show that this biodiversity is the result of evolutionarily unavoidable tradeoffs that all life has faced for at least 600 million years. Because of tradeoffs, both newly evolved species and species entering new regions coexist with and do not cause the extinction of established species. These tradeoffs also explain why species diversity is the single most important factor causing ecosystems to be more efficient, productive, sustainable, reliable, and stable. Darwin asserted that new species caused the extinction of older species, but we now know that the norm of nature is coexistence, not extinction.
Via accumulated knowledge and invention of tools, we, Earth’s first superspecies, have escaped these tradeoffs and began causing extinctions about 50K years. Now, in this, the final period of rapid increases in human environmental impacts, a massive extinction wave is underway. Preventing this extinction event is essential for the long-term productivity, stability, and livability of Earth for humanity. To achieve this, we must change agriculture and diets, protect remaining natural ecosystems, and eliminate fossil fuel use. We will need to use our full intellectual and cultural diversity to discover equitable and politically viable paths toward a sustainable future.