【主讲人】Francesco Sferra
【主讲人详细介绍】A student of Raniero Gnoli, Corrado Pensa and Raffaele Torella, Francesco Sferra (b. 1965) is Full Professor of Sanskrit language and literature at the University of Naples “L’Orientale.” Member of several scientific societies, including the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (Pune, since 1995), the Société Asiatique (Paris, since 1996) and the Pali Text Society (Oxford, since 2003), Sferra is part of the Academic Board of the The Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University (Tokyo) and of the Journal of the Japanese Association for Indian and Buddhist Studies (Tokyo). He is the Director of the Series Minor (Naples) and Codirector of the Series Manuscripta Buddhica (Naples - Hamburg). Teacher of Sanskrit in Naples since the academic year 1998-99, in 2007 and in 2011-2012 he was a visiting professor (Numata-Professor für Buddhismuskunde) at the Asien-Afrika-Institut (University of Hamburg). Since 2006 he has directed an international research project for the critical edition and study of unpublished Buddhist works in Sanskrit. The first results of the research have appeared in 2008 in vol. 1 of the series Manuscripta Buddhica with the title Sanskrit Texts from Giuseppe Tucci’s Collection. Part I (Rome). Among his major publications are the edition of the Sanskrit text and English translation of the Ṣaḍaṅgayoga by Anupamarakṣita with the commentary by Raviśrījñāna (Rome 2000) and the critical edition of the Sanskrit text of the Paramārthasaṃgraha by Nāropā (Rome 2006). Together with Harunaga Isaacson he has published the Sekaniderśapañjikā of Rāmapāla (Manuscripta Buddhica vol. 2, Naples 2014). Translator from Sanskrit and Pāli for the series “Meridiani” of the publishing house A. Mondadori Editore (Milan 2001, 2004), he was the editor for the same series of one volume on ancient Hinduism (2010). Author of essays on linguistic speculations of some Hindu religious-philosophical schools (1991, 1994, 2007 and 2010), his research focuses also on Indian tantric traditions, including Kashimr Shaivism, the Viṣṇuite tradition of Pāñcarātra and the Buddhist Kālacakra.
【主持人】北京大学外国语学院副教授 叶少勇
【评议人】北京大学外国语学院教授 罗鸿