Love god
Love kitten
LorneZhou (六边形废物 酸奶管够 ) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Keep pppppppp
①To support (a mistress or lover) financially
但我 我无论走到什么位置 身边都有你的视线
b 在我的特制里,Moxi的特质相当于维生素b2加入甘油 (不好解释)
C 一种生活琐事折射出的一切世界,泛黄陈旧,令人心满意足的感情,是我生活的全部的动力。
D 当我进入对你倾诉爱的情境,我把我所爱之为何来陈述,媲美那些直抒胸臆、不假思索的“我爱你:这是个秘密,嘘!“
E 奶猪决定从他的六个罐头里让moxi选一个相中的口味,在听说本小猪被写进了毕设之后。
LorneZhou (六边形废物 酸奶管够 ) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Love god
drizzle the clarified butter over the top.
LorneZhou (六边形废物 酸奶管够 ) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
但我 我无论走到什么位置 身边都有你的视线
b 在我的特制里,Moxi的特质相当于维生素b2加入甘油 (不好解释)
2024 5 almsot June
falcon 的意思是鹰隼 毛了 这算啥词呢
distraction from another post
1 did not △its sublimity△ ▲overpass a little the bounds of the ridiculous?.
2 we've been picking up some bad vibes on that guy.
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
LorneZhou (六边形废物 酸奶管够 ) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
2024 5 almsot June
falcon 的意思是鹰隼 毛了 这算啥词呢
1. **Abstruse** - 深奥的,难以理解的
2. **Alchemy** - 炼金术
3. **Biennial** - 两年一次的
4. **Bombast** - 高傲自大的言辞
5. **Circumvent** - 规避
6. **Colloquial** - 白话的,口语的
7. **Didactic** - 教导的,教训的
8. **Dormant** - 休眠的,静止的
9. **Eclectic** - 折衷的,混合的
10. **Ephemeral** - 短暂的,瞬息的
11. **Fauna** - 动物群
12. **Folly** - 愚蠢,荒唐事
13. **Garrulous** - 话多的
14. **Germinate** - 发芽,发展
15. **Hegemony** - 霸权,领导地位
16. **Histrionic** - 戏剧性的,夸张的
17. **Inevitable** - 不可避免的
18. **Innocuous** - 无害的,不会引起争论的
19. **Juxtapose** - 并置,并列
20. **Jingoism** - 侵略主义,沙文主义
21. **Kinetic** - 运动的,动力的
22. **Kudos** - 荣誉,称赞
23. **Loquacious** - 多话的,饶舌的
24. **Luminary** - 杰出人物,名人
25. **Magnanimous** - 宽宏大量的,慷慨的
26. **Malleable** - 可塑的,易改变的
27. **Nebulous** - 模糊的,不清楚的
28. **Nefarious** - 邪恶的,不法的
29. **Obfuscate** - 使困惑,使模糊
30. **Oligarchy** - 寡头政治
31. **Paragon** - 模范,典型
32. **Parsimony** - 过分节俭,吝啬
33. **Quotidian** - 每日的,平凡的
34. **Quixotic** - 空想的,不切实际的
35. **Reciprocal** - 相互的,互惠的
36. **Resilient** - 有弹性的,能恢复的
37. **Sagacious** - 睿智的,明智的
38. **Serendipity** - 意外发现珍奇事物的本领
39. **Tenet** - 信条,原则
40. **Tranquil** - 平静的,宁静的
41. **Usurp** - 篡夺,夺取
42. **Utopia** - 乌托邦,理想国
43. **Voracious** - 贪吃的,渴望的
44. **Vindicate** - 辩护,证明...无罪
45. **Waver** - 摇摆,犹豫
46. **Wizened** - 枯萎的,干瘪的
47. *Xenophobe** - 仇外者
48. *Xerography** - 静电复印术
49. **Yield** - 产量,屈服
50. **Zeal** - 热情,热忱
51. **Zenith** - 顶点,最高点
52. **Zealot** - 狂热者,极端分子
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 花椒鸡好吃!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
shuttle 载具 shuffle 重组
"Nova" 在拉丁语中意味着 "新的",它在英语中通常用作天文学术语,指一种类型的恒星爆炸。以下是一些包含 "nova" 的单词及其中文解释:
Nova - 新星,指恒星爆炸后亮度突然增加的现象。
Supernova - 超新星,指一颗质量足够大的恒星在其演化的最后阶段发生剧烈爆炸,亮度可以短暂地超过整个星系。
Stellar Nova - 恒星新星,特指发生在白矮星表面的热核爆炸。
Type Ia Supernova - Ia型超新星,一种由白矮星吸积伴星物质达到临界质量后发生的超新星爆炸。
Nova Cygni 1975 - 1975年天鹅座新星,特指1975年在天鹅座观测到的一颗新星。
Classical Nova - 经典新星,指那些亮度增加到特定程度并遵循特定演化路径的新星。
请注意,"nova" 这个词在天文学之外的使用较少,上述列表主要集中在它在天文学领域的应用。
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
I read 郭敬明‘s magazine
she is such typical a gay and his magazine could be called a gaygaygay magazine.
Everything in a modern gay's life (based in Mo du) could be founded there.
You can deem it as a guide for a modern gay despite his deadly taste about anything.
2[enough books to make the ox carrying them sweat or to fill a house to the rafters—an immense number of books] 形容书籍存放很多。用牛运输,牛累得出汗;书堆满屋子,顶到栋梁
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
维特根斯坦的英文 特 不发音!
LorneZhou (六边形废物 酸奶管够 ) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
I read 郭敬明‘s magazine
she is such typical a gay and his magazine could be called a gaygaygay magazine.
Everything in a modern gay's life (based in Mo du) could be founded there.
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
My sister had a 🔺trenchant 🔺way of cutting our bread and butter for us, that never varied.
我妹妹有一种尖锐的方式为我们切面包和黄油, 这永远不会改变
troll a carol.
troll the lake for bass.
a slap to one's pride.
在现代互联网文化中,"troll" 指的是故意在线上社区发布挑衅性或冒犯性言论以引起他人反应的人。"Troll" 还可以指一种钓鱼方式,即在水流中拖动诱饵。
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
我记得十多年前看的第一场歌剧 是 图兰朵
但 图兰朵公主和卡巴耶一样胖 却给我留下了唱功不好的印象
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
在某些固定短语或搭配中,名词前习惯上不加 "the"。例如:
At dawn(在黎明时分)
In nature(在自然界中)
在某些情况下,根据习惯用法,名词前不加 "the"。例如:
At school(在学校)
Go home(回家)
在某些文体或语境中,如诗歌、标题或口号,可能会故意省略 "the" 以适应节奏或风格。例如:
"Ode to the West Wind"(《西风颂》
2 up two strokes in golf.
he received three strokes of the cane.
she strokes blue eyeshadow on her eyelids.
they came from nowhere to win in the last three strokes of the race.
the ray swam with effortless strokes of its huge wings.
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
在作文里把employ使用 写成了implore 哀求
LorneZhou (蔷) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Your request is worse than letting the Youth Research Institute take over this official website." By P
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
The child is adept at appeasing her parents' anger with a joke or compliment.
LorneZhou (六边形废物 酸奶管够 ) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
在作文里把employ使用 写成了implore 哀求
我现在吃的好 睡得好 想的少
LorneZhou (六边形废物 酸奶管够 ) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
The child is adept at appeasing her parents' anger with a joke or compliment.