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大家好,我是Zhiming (Jimmy) Hu,即将于2025年8月加入香港科技大学(广州)担任助理教授,领导Human-centred Artificial Intelligence (HuAI) Group。为了实验室的发展,现诚挚招聘博士生/硕士生/实习生/研究助理。
英文版个人简介:Zhiming Hu is an incoming tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) leading the Human-centred Artificial Intelligence (HuAI) Group starting from August 2025. He is currently a post-doctoral researcher in the Perceptual User Interfaces Group led by Prof. Andreas Bulling and the Computational Biophysics and Biorobotics Group led by Prof. Syn Schmitt, in the University of Stuttgart, Germany since August 2022. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Software and Theory from Peking University, China in 2022, supervised by Prof. Guoping Wang. He received his Bachelor's degree in Optical Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology, China in 2017. He has published more than 10 papers as first or corresponding author at top venues in VR/AR and HCI, including IEEE VR, ISMAR, TVCG, CHI, UIST, and IROS. His work has been nominated for TVCG best journal award at IEEE VR 2021 as well as for best doctoral student paper award at INTERACT 2023. He served as a reviewer for many top venues, including SIGGRAPH, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, CHI, UIST, IEEE VR, ISMAR, IMWUT, TMM, TVCG, and IJHCI.
I am looking for outstanding Ph.D./Master/Intern students and excellent research assistants that have an interest in our research.
A strong interest in developing human-centred computational methods is required. Excellent programming skills are expected. Previous experience with Python, Pytorch, or CUDA is an advantage. Strong team working and critical thinking skills, aptitude for independent and creative work, as well as fluent English written and presentation skills are essential.
If you are highly motivated and capable of addressing and solving scientifically difficult problems and if you are interested in doing research in an internationally oriented and highly energetic team, you should send your application to zhiming.hu (at) simtech.uni-stuttgart.de.
Please include the following information in your application (preferably in a single pdf document):
Curriculum Vitae
Cover letter (stating why you are interested and why you should be chosen)
PhD/Master/Intern applicants: transcripts of master/bachelor program