[复制链接] 分享:本人刚工作1年,现在希望能在10月底之前考出托福95+,现寻托福老师一名。
你需要:翻墙 一个厚本子
我只考过雅思 在拿到初试成绩之后 翻墙出去 按照模块搜 如何在模块里拿到某分数
然后会出来很多视频 选一个时长 还有口语水平 语速都在你接受范围内的母语者 打开中文字幕 把他的意见都记下来
再把你的薄弱环节排序,比如如果作文是问题1,就让chatgpt给你十五个模拟题目 再用ai生成范文 然后开始用手抄 每个范文抄三遍。注意看题 不要字数不够太多
口语部分上hellotalk 直接vip 疯狂练
听力部分灵活练 听你感兴趣的内容 重要的是总时长。
例如 作文部分举例:
雅思大作文题目通常要求考生就某一社会、文化、环境或政治问题发表自己的观点,并提供理由和例子支持自己的观点。以下是一些关于美国政治的模拟雅思大作文题目,考生可以用来练习:!!!给出了十五个可能就三个能用 !!!!!要点就是不要浪费超过三秒时间在琢磨自己的作文是否符合政治正确 直接开写
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement that the two-party system in the United States is beneficial for the country's political stability?
Some people believe that the influence of money in American politics is detrimental to democracy. Discuss the reasons for this view and what measures could be taken to reduce its impact.
In recent years, there has been a rise in political polarization in the United States. What are the causes and what are the potential solutions?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a presidential system like that of the United States.
The role of the media in shaping public opinion about political issues in the United States is often criticized. To what extent do you agree that the media has too much power?
Should the United States adopt a parliamentary system instead of its current presidential system? Discuss the pros and cons of such a change.
Analyze the impact of social media on political campaigns and the election process in the United States.
Some argue that the Electoral College system in the United States is outdated and should be replaced with a direct popular vote. Discuss both sides of the argument.
Discuss the role of interest groups and lobbyists in shaping American political decisions and whether this is a healthy aspect of democracy.
To what extent do you agree that the political process in the United States is influenced by the wealthy and powerful?
The United States has a long history of political activism. Discuss the importance of activism in shaping political outcomes.
Some people believe that the United States should have term limits for its political representatives. Discuss the arguments for and against this proposal.
Discuss the influence of the Supreme Court on American politics and whether it has too much power.
Analyze the impact of gerrymandering on the fairness of elections in the United States.
In the context of American politics, discuss the importance of a free press and the challenges it faces.
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bladeblade (blade) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
托福嘛 有各种学习规划的 你zhihu搜搜就行了
基本围绕着 背单词(学科单词+考察的学术词汇/核心单词)+做题技巧学习(阅读和听力学习解题策略,排除错误选项;口语和写作学习模板、结构,刷机经题)+刷题+分析长难句+再刷题和反思 突出一个刷字
建议下载个任意模考软件(匹克 小站 考满分 etc.) 练习有瓶颈了再找老师上几次课就行 或者找个陪练
任务量一般围绕着TPO来的 比如一周一套TPO(倒着刷)
bladeblade (blade) 在 ta 的帖子中提到: