[招聘]兼职助理(Part-time Pre-doc/RA Position)
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Professor Yu Sheng, Crawford Chair in Agricultural Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University. He is also serving as vice president of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economists and the president of East Asian Brach of Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economic Society (AARES). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Australian National University in 2006. He is also the co-editor of Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AJARE) and associate editor of Journal of Productivity Analysis. Since then, he has been working for the Australian National University and other international famed research institute. His research interest includes agricultural technology progress and productivity, rural transformation and development, and international trade and food policy, CGE modelling and China economy. Recent research has been published in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Canadian Journal of Economics, Energy Economics, Review of Income and Wealth, World Development, Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, etc.
兼职助理(Part-time Pre-doc/RA Position)1人
1. 在课题组负责人的指导下,整理文献资料、收集调研数据和统计数据,并进行数据清理;
2. 在课题组负责人的指导下,撰写学术论文或项目分析报告;
3. 协助课题组负责人完成有关国内外学术会议的筹备工作,以及相关活动的宣传工作;
4. 完成课题负责人交办的【其它科研及行政辅助】工作。
1. 在读高年级本科生或低年级研究生,经济学或相关专业优先;
2. 具备良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神,吃苦耐劳;
3. 具备较强的英文读写能力(六级580分及以上、或雅思7及以上、或托福100分及以上);
4. 拥有发展经济学、农业经济学、环境经济学、生物统计等相关学科背景为加分项;
5. 熟练使用Stata、R等统计软件;
6. 可远程工作,一周工作时长约20-30小时。
1. 工资2000元/月,可根据工作量灵活上涨;
2. 与课题组负责人合作发表学术论文的机会;
3. 表现优异者可能获得Ph.D. positions申请推荐。
1. 个人简历;
2. 学位证书扫描件(在校生请提供电子版成绩单);
3. 代表性学术成果或其他可证明研究能力的材料;
4. 其他补充材料。
CNENG (CNENG) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Professor Yu Sheng, Crawford Chair in Agricultural Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University. He is also serving as vice president of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economists and the president of East Asian Brach of Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economic Society (AARES). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Australian National University in 2006. He is also the co-editor of Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AJARE) and associate editor of Journal of Productivity Analysis. Since then, he has been working……
CNENG (CNENG) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Professor Yu Sheng, Crawford Chair in Agricultural Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University. He is also serving as vice president of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economists and the president of East Asian Brach of Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economic Society (AARES). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Australian National University in 2006. He is also the co-editor of Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AJARE) and associate editor of Journal of Productivity Analysis. Since then, he has been working……
CNENG (CNENG) 在 ta 的帖子中提到:
Professor Yu Sheng, Crawford Chair in Agricultural Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University. He is also serving as vice president of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economists and the president of East Asian Brach of Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economic Society (AARES). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Australian National University in 2006. He is also the co-editor of Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AJARE) and associate editor of Journal of Productivity Analysis. Since then, he has been working……