[复制链接] 分享:我是北京大学公共卫生学院23级硕士生。我来自贵州省,最近我收到了一个邀请,诚挚邀请1-2位外国朋友本周末左右与我进行的一场关于中华传统文化的小讨论,(可以线上即可,方便可线下)通过录制视频的方式向贵州遵义的小学生们送上祝福!我将以特地准备的贵州特产作为礼物来感谢您的帮助。非常期待有对贵州省和中国文化感兴趣的外国朋友与我联系!也非常期待对这个主题感兴趣的社团成员与我联系!!我的微信18813120872;邮箱shuyao_song@163.com
Hi guys~~~, I'm a student at the School of Public Health at Peking University. I come from Guizhou Province in southwestern of China. Recently, I received an invitation and would like to sincerely invite 1-2 foreign friends to join me for a small discussion on traditional Chinese culture this weekend (Online is ok). We will record a video to send blessings to the students of a primary school in Zunyi, Guizhou! I will express my gratitude by offering Guizhou specialties as gifts for your help. looking forward to hearing from those who are interested in Guizhou Province and Chinese culture! Thank youuuuu for your support!♥ Weixin:18813120872 E-mail:shuyao_spmg@163.com